Female Infertility – Causes of Infertility

Measuring basal body temperature: Body temperature is measured every morning before getting out of bed (the temperature is measured with the degree we know), the day of ovulation, the body temperature increases by 0.5 or 1 degree.

The causes of infertility due to women are slightly more than men and it is easier to correct.

A-) Causes of Infertility in Women Due to Ovulation Problems:
Approximately 5-25% of infertility causes are abnormal, that is, irregular ovulation. The normal physiology is as follows: From the beginning of each menstrual bleeding, one of the eggs in the ovary grows, develops, matures and cracks more than the others, thus ovulation takes place. The time of ovulation coincides with approximately the middle of two menstrual periods. In order to have a child, it is necessary to have sexual intercourse 2 days before and 2 days after the ovulation date. Because eggs and sperm can stay alive in the body for two days. The absence of ovulation is called anovulation. One of the most important causes of infertility is the inability of one of the eggs to mature and crack, that is, the absence of ovulation. Having menstrual bleeding does not mean that you are ovulating. We can understand that ovulation (ovulation) is happening with the following tests.

Measuring basal body temperature: Body temperature is measured every morning before getting out of bed (the temperature is measured with the degree we know), the day of ovulation, the body temperature increases by 0.5 or 1 degree.
By monitoring the cervix (cervix) mucus (Billings ovulation method): The characteristic of the cervical mucus changes during the ovulation period. The woman checks the characteristics of the cervical mucus by inserting her finger into her vagina every day. The presence of transparent, filamentous creeping mucus indicates ovulation and ovulation.
Ovulation follow-up with USG (ultrasound): Eggs are measured and followed every 2-3 days with ultrasonography. When the size of the egg is 16-18 mm, ovulation occurs.
With endometrial biopsy: Ovulation can also be detected by taking a very small piece from the uterus without menstrual bleeding and examining it under microscopy. This method is not preferred.
Measuring serum progesterone level: Avulsion – ovulation
Progesterone level: The progesterone level is measured on the days when ovulation should occur, if it is above 10ng/ml, it indicates that ovulation – ovulation.
If it is determined that there is no ovulation with these tests, ovulation can be achieved with drugs and pregnancy can be created. With ovulation drugs, 80-90% success is achieved. Ovulation with drugs in those who do not have problems other than ovulation problem

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